Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Wikilution - Collecting and sharing information Web 2.0

Bambi Francisco of Marketwatch has a very in-depth commentary on all things information gathering and the web. Although I donot recall the origin, it has been said that the 21st century is back to our roots. Last century we were adventurers - pioneers, out to set the limits of humankind - and hopefully pass them. Today we are - once again - hunter / gatherers. Only this time we're chasing information and gathering it on Myspace, Wikipedia .. and soon Myweb, Google Co-op and a plethora of other information collector / community sites (HPBs Plum.com, Yelp, Gordon Ebanks' Customerforce.com) will assist you - the hapless consumer - in making a decision based on your friends and peers advice and experience - and if you happen to be a smart (wo)man - or at least value your own opinion enough to share it with other people (and I know very few in this country that do not) you can use these sites to collect all the information you've found and share with the world.
On one hand this makes a lot of sense and is a natural evolution in the world of the web (as Ms Francisco cleverly points out. First we had to create the web and overflow it with info .. then we had to collect it all into nice little bundles.. the moniker web 2.0 is very apt here). The question becomes whether people will find value in other peoples effort - or if they will stick with whatever google tells them? I personally think we will find certain sites become succesful (one big success is the review of digital camera space with millions of monthly hits) and others will forever be relegated to a visiting family-member every other week. I think I will still let professional auto-reviewers tell me which sports-car is the most bang for your buck.. there are some things that are better left to the (real) experts.


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